Hatred Surge / Mammoth Grinder and Green and Wood
These sold out the first time so Cyclopean just did another pressing of it (green vinyl for mailorder). I saw both of these bands on their last tour at the BLVD in LA. This is grind core to the fullest and it’s really good. Neither band had these when they were on tour. Cyclopean records are ran by the singer of Iron Age and he is actually doing some amazing stuff with the label. I picked up the Green and Wood lp. This has a huge Black Sabbath influence. Beard metal people will eat this up I’m surprised this hasn’t been rerelease on southern lord yet. The best part of this is the records came in less than a week. And as a bonus they threw in 2 copies of the new green and wood ep. I gave my extra copy to Marlon. I love it when labels actually send stuff super quick its great.